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 -- Command: method ID/K, ARGS/M
     This command allows construction of class methods (ala the domethod
     function).  While this command is very powerful it is also quite
     complicated and possibly dangerous (can result in system crashes).
      Care should be taken by consulting the autodocs describing the
     method to be constructed.  RESULT will contain the value returned
     by the domethod function.

        * ID - this argument specifies the ID of the reference object
          for the method.  If it is not given then the application
          object will be used.

        * ARGS - these arguments are the remaining arguments passed to
          the domethod function.  The arguments may be TAG ids or TAG
          values (see Attribute TAGs).  TAG values may also be object
          pointers which are specified by preceding an object ID with
          an @.

     Example use of this command:

          method Application_AboutMUI 0       /* bring up about_MUI requester */
          method Application_OpenConfigWindow /* open MUI settings program */
          /* an example notification method */
          method ID BOOP Notify WHEEL_Hue EveryTime,
                         @HUE 4 Set Gauge_Current TriggerValue